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When it comes to our health, it's not occasional binges or cheat days that make the difference; we really need to keep a watchful eye on the products we put on our bodies and the foods we eat every day. The small things we do every day over a lifetime have an incomparably more significant impact on our health than the things we do occasionally.

Below are some great ideas for minor adjustments to your daily routine that could make a real difference in your health in the long run.

DIY Deodorant

The ingredients in most store-bought deodorants are deplorable, with the worst offenders being parabens and aluminum. My wife and I tried several natural deodorants from various stores, but none of them worked - at all. I finally found a way to make great deodorant at home, and it's super easy!

After trying several mixtures floating around out there on the web, I finally settled on using the following four-ingredient mixture for our deodorant:​

(this is enough to make about one 2.5 oz. bar for these containers)


Melt shea butter in a glass jar or double boiler. Stir in baking soda and essential oil. Let the mixture cool for 3-4 hours, just until it begins to harden. Then, give it one last good stir before pouring it into a deodorant container. Allow it to fully harden at room temperature for another few hours before use. Avoid refrigerating this, as the mixture may stick to the container.


Remineralizing Toothpaste

My first foray into questioning conventional knowledge on oral care was when I read the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price. Dr. Price shows that not only is traditional toothpaste harmful to us (especially our children), but brushing our teeth may not even be necessary at all. While I don't advocate not brushing, the importance of brushing teeth has been way overblown.

According to Dr. Price and my family's own experience, cavities and other dental problems are the result of poor diet and malnutrition, not the result of poor oral hygiene.

Is that a stretch? Look into it for yourself. Start by reading the above-referenced book, then research the topic. As always, be sure to check who is publishing the information you read and why they are publishing it.

As for toothpaste, a list of harmful or toxic ingredients is commonplace in most store-bought varieties. The most egregious chemicals found include fluoride, glycerine, and triclosan. If you are still on the fluoride bandwagon, then it's time to get off. Do the research and wake up! Start by reading this article that outlines the origins of fluoride in our water supply. This is especially important for children, as fluoride has a whole host of adverse side effects on the developing brain, including lowering their IQ by as much as 10 points! Glycerine adds a coating to the teeth, making it much more difficult for mineral reabsorption to take place, and triclosan is a cancer-causing cleansing agent that has so far been banned from all hand soaps in the U.S. but still finds its way into many conventional toothpastes.


So, what is the best toothpaste to use? Well, the best is often the easiest; this case is no exception. To make the toothpaste we use, you'll need the following:


Melt coconut oil in a jar or double boiler. Mix in all ingredients, then let sit at room temperature for 6-8 hours or overnight. Mix thoroughly again before first use.

The taste of this toothpaste takes some getting used to, as most of us are used to the super sweet and minty store-bought stuff. I've come not to mind it at all, and I started both of our kids on it from day 1, so they have no complaints. My daughter tried regular toothpaste at grandma's house once, and she said it was terrible!

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